01 / 06

Hi, I'm Megan Copper, developer and strategist.

I'm a full-stack engineer by day, and a child-wrangling Netflix enthusiast by night. Like any good millennial, I have a deep appreciation for sourdough starters and Fair Trade coffee. If you like debating the relative merits of frontend frameworks, camel case versus snake case, or VS Code themes, we’ll be fast friends...or enemies. (Just kidding.) If you’re in need of strategic, user-centered software solutions, let’s talk. And if you’re an altruistic Nigerian prince prepared to offer me half of your sizable fortune, please message me as soon as possible!

02 / 06

Internal School Portal

McIntire needed a refreshed information strategy – one that would facilitate discoverability, distribution, and relevancy. To power that strategy, we built a robust portal system that features custom user experiences, streamlined content management workflows, and smart integrations.

Internal portal screenshot

03 / 06

Page Builder

Off-the-shelf content management systems are great, but they aren’t right for every situation. We built a fully-fledged, custom CMS right alongside an existing enterprise application to deliver a calibrated feature set and a fluid admin experience.

Page builder screenshot

04 / 06

Event Management System

McIntire employs a wide range of third-party tools to handle different aspects of event management. We built a system to merge all of the disconnected parts and pieces into one standardized content stream.

Event management system screenshot

05 / 06

News and Blog Site

If the McIntire web ecosystem was a high school lunchroom, this WordPress blog would be the popular kid’s slightly less cool sidekick. It’s not sexy like the Javascript frontends, but it wields a ton of power, and without it, the system can’t really function.

06 / 06

Alumni Engagement Microsite

To better serve busy alumni, we built a dedicated microsite that is beautiful, usable, and calibrated. As an added bonus, this curated experience is largely on autopilot, powered by dynamic content feeds from external sources.